Smart Chemistry Park® supports scientific based company collaborations and the growth and internationalisation of SMEs. We act locally and nationally in close co-operation with Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences making it possible for companies to participate in product development projects. Our networks include many dynamic ecosystems developing sustainable solutions for different industries.

Åbo Akademi established in 1918, is the only Swedish speaking University in Finland. There are 4 faculties and almost 8,000 students. The Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Centre of Process Chemistry (the Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Centre) provides solutions for the future. Research is mainly focused on two important types of molecules appearing in forest biomass, namely hemicelluloses and lignin.

The University of Turku was established in 1920. There are 7 faculties and about 20,000 students. The Faculty of Material Chemistry and Chemical Analysis, operating within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences conducts research in functional materials and thin films, luminescent and solid state materials, analytical applications of electrogenerated chemiluminescence, and organometallic catalysis.

Almost 9,000 students in five different units study at the Turku University of Applied Sciences. The Chemical Engineering programme trains engineers to meet the needs of local companies. There is also a Circular Economy Excellence Center which supports circular economy from a cross-disciplinary point of view.

The University of Oulu was established in 1958. There are over 14,000 students in ten different faculties. The Chemical Process Engineering (CPE) research unit merges the disciplines of chemical process engineering and bioprocess engineering in its research. Biomass engineering, and especially the existing technological gap in the sustainable utilization of lignocellulosics to biofuels and chemicals, is the inspiring source of the CPE research.

Novia University of Applied Sciences was established in 2008. There are over 4,000 students studying in over 20 different degree programmes, making it the largest Swedish-speaking university of applied sciences in Finland. The students of Novia have implemented Smart Chemistry Park`s brand and marketing plan.

Raision seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Raseko provides vocational education and training for both young and adult students, as well as development services for working life according to the needs of the area.